This and that ...
It has been a circle of life kind of week. A good friend just lost his mother. And another very close person in my life and his wife are pregnant. Another close family member has had some health challenges which are likely to be resolved, but stressful nonetheless. Another family member hospitalized. When it rains it pours.
Last night, I sat with my two youngest and watched the tail end of Dennis the Menace. To borrow the phrase - it was chicken soup for the soul to watch them laugh. I was invited by a good friend last week to attend a Vistage meeting, which included a talk by Dr. Tom Hill. Interesting guy- picked up and left a steady teaching career at (50) and bought a Remax franchise and became quite wealthy. And by all appearances has been able to stay spiritually grounded. He now coaches CEOs - not on business, but on life. Got me thinking about a few things:
1. One idea can change everything.
2. Read or be irrelevant.
3. Written goal setting is critical.
Marathon training starts in a few short weeks! My plan is to start a posting series on the experience from day one to the culmination of the run in New York. Ciao
Last night, I sat with my two youngest and watched the tail end of Dennis the Menace. To borrow the phrase - it was chicken soup for the soul to watch them laugh. I was invited by a good friend last week to attend a Vistage meeting, which included a talk by Dr. Tom Hill. Interesting guy- picked up and left a steady teaching career at (50) and bought a Remax franchise and became quite wealthy. And by all appearances has been able to stay spiritually grounded. He now coaches CEOs - not on business, but on life. Got me thinking about a few things:
1. One idea can change everything.
2. Read or be irrelevant.
3. Written goal setting is critical.
Marathon training starts in a few short weeks! My plan is to start a posting series on the experience from day one to the culmination of the run in New York. Ciao
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